SnowPro Advanced: Data Analyst Certification Guide
Preparation, checks and hints needed to clear SnowPro Advanced Data Analyst Certification in your 1st attempt.
SnowPro Advanced: Data Analyst Certification needs hands on on knowledge as the exam assess skills through scenario-based questions and real-world examples, experienced by Data Analyst.
In comparison to other SnowPro exams, I would categorize it above Architect exam and below Data Engineer exam in terms of difficulty and amount of hands on needed.
Suggest you to take SnowPro Advanced: Architect Certification before taking up Data Engineer certification and do revise if its done long back —
Important for Preparation -
Visit the SnowPro Advanced: Data Analyst Exam Guide —
Give the special attention to the following. (Note — It can get changed from time to time) -
Total Number of Questions
Question Types
Time Limit
Then go through each and every topic that is mentioned in the Exam Domain section in detail (Note — It can get changed from time to time).
Download the exam study guide and revise the topics listed -
Important Topics -
As questions are mostly scenario based, have abundant amount of hands on practice based on the following topics along with pointers mentioned below going through the links provided.
Important Note: Hands on needed with Snowsight UI and not Classic interface.
Working with chars and Dashboard
This section is very important as there are numerous questions on this topic. Highly recommend you to build a sample dashboard (reference link provided below) and explore the chart options to tick off scenario based questions on this topic. One should be comfortable querying work sheet data, visualizing worksheet data and visualizing data with Dashboards.
How to create dashboard from existing worksheets?
Working with tiles on a dashboard
How to share dashboard?
Which system filters are available in the worksheets?
How to create a custom filters in worksheets?
What chart types are supported and scenarios they are best suited?
What are different column aggregate functions used in the chart?
Working with JSON data
Again this topic has multiple questions that tests hands on knowledge with awareness of the syntax and concepts
How to load JSON data?
How to query JSON data?
What are the different ways to access elements in JSON data?
How to flatten the array objects in JSON data?
What are the functions associated with JSON data?
Working with Functions
Questions related to various functions will be there, testing hands on knowledge with awareness of the syntax and concepts. Have special focus on various functions handle NULL’s.
Date functions
Aggregate functions
String & Binary functions
Exam Day Tips -
- Don’t get stuck and flag the questions you may be confused during the exam and proceed further. Many a case, you can get hint in the following questions asked during the certification.
- If you are left with time, do revisit all the questions and cross check your answers (especially the multiple choice and scenario based ones)
Good luck for exam and get Snowed at Data Analyst Level!
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