SnowPro Advanced Architect Recertification Guide

Snowflake Wiki
5 min readMar 10, 2024

Details about the recertification exam along with preparation, checks and hints needed to clear SnowPro Advanced Architect Recertification in your 1st attempt.

About Recertification -

SnowPro Advanced, Architect Recertification extends SnowPro Core Certification + SnowPro Advanced: Architect status by 2 years from the date of passing the recertification exam.

One would be able to register for the recertification in the SnowPro Certification Dashboard only if the certification is expiring within 6 months. You will be seeing the certification being highlighted in red as shown below.

Additionally one would receive 3 email reminders from snowflake. First reminder before 90 days, second reminder before 60 days and third reminder before 30 days of certification expiration as below.

Also, one will get cute reminders from Accredible as below —

Why Recertification -

The main advantage of taking the recertification exam before the expiration date is continuation of certification validity with older issue date. And of course, the recertification exam is of shortened exam with lesser duration and lesser questions to attempt at a lesser cost than if you take the full exam again.

Below are the differences for Advanced Recertification exam vs Full exam -

After Recertification -

After passing the exam, in the SnowPro Certification Dashboard you can observe the link to take up the Recertification would be gone and the validity would be updated to 2 years.

You can further download the badge and certificate from accredible login

You will get to see the exact Expiration Date of the certification here.

The Architect Recertification exam needs the same preparation that is done for Architect exam as the exam guide is same.

My take on exam -

I took the exam without any preparation due to lack of study time and also had confidence on my concepts in domain knowledge. As I took the test, I found it surprisingly tough than to the exam I had given 2 years back. I was left doubtful on many questions to choose an answer, as the options framed are so intricately close. I had to flag the questions and move forward to revisit them again, feeling insecure about exam and regretting at my madness to give the exam straight up.

After completing one set of reading and answering the questions, went through the unanswered questions and flagged questions. On the questions I was doubtful, had to follow the technique of eliminating the answers and inferencing the correct one’s to the best of the knowledge. Following it again I went through all the set of questions cross checking the answers I marked. And yeah, all’s well that ends well!

I was also pleasantly surprised to see my own 3 questions I wrote as an SME and it was a moment of pride as I went through them myself. Interestingly I don’t remember the answers on the tip of my finger. I had to reason out the answers and that is the most cherished moment of me taking the exam.

In retrospect, I understood how much the SnowPro SME community had added value to the exams and brought variety of questions with such meticulous distractors, that put more doubt into the mind of exam taker if the concepts are not fool proof. Appreciate all the SME’s writing the questions and reviewing them thoroughly under the leadership of Kate Windom.

Important for Preparation -

Visit the SnowPro Advanced: Architect Exam Guide —

Go through each and every topic that is mentioned in the Exam Domain section and also the link references given in the exam guide. A must to do exercise!

Important Topics -

Following are the topics I would recommend you to acquire immense knowledge in addition and in combination to the one’s I specified here -

• Data Sharing — Direct Share, Data Exchange, Data Replication
• Snowpipe — Options, Notifications, Performance
• External Tables — Columns, Features, Performance
• Performance — Search Optimization, Clustering , Materialized views
• Administration, Authorization and Governance — Privilege grants, Managed access, Secondary Roles, Data masking & Encryption

Exam Day Tips -

  1. Don’t get stuck and flag the questions you may be confused during the exam and proceed further. Many a case, you can get hint in the following questions asked during the certification.
  2. If you are left with time, do revisit all the questions and cross check your answers (especially the multiple choice and scenario based ones)

Good luck for exam and get Re-Snowed at Advanced Level!


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